Yellowstone River

I plan on fishing the Yellowstone River sometime.

Here are some tips I've gleaned from the fabulous interwebz...

Plan to fish during peak fly fishing season. Summer is best but July and august in Montana are the best months for fly fishing.

June can be too soon to fish with the Yellowstone being one of the last to clear up from the Spring runoff. There are other rivers to try this time of year such as the Boulder, Stillwater, Gallatin or Madison.

You don't need to wake up at dawn and stay up til dark. Most guide trips run from 9AM to 5PM.

May, specifically the Mother's Day Caddis Hatch begins with fishing opportunities for all skill levels.

Fishing the Yellowstone River can last well into September but dinner time for the fish is about 1-4 PM.

Here is a map of the Yellowstone River access points .
